Thursday, April 28, 2011

Privates, General Wife Mentality, SHAMMING

Okay, this is one of those blogs that won't be broken into three. This is one BIG ASS RANT.

So, We've been in TRADOC for almost a year and a quarter now... The bad thing about this is privates get babied for WAY to long!! Some of these little douche nuggets here need a taste of BIG ARMY REALITY!

Por ejemplo:

There's a private here at Ft Sill in Aaron's AIT battery that tries to sham out of EVERYTHING because he complains all the time that he doesn't spend enough time with his family... REALLY?! (I'll come back to that thought)...

Normally the boys that live off post don't have to go to COB on Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays... Today they had to. This private started to throw a fit to himself and once out of class, hauled ass home to grab his child from his wife (mind you this family has TWO cars and the wife DOES NOT WORK) and brought the child TO FORMATION saying "that he couldn't stay because he had to take care of his child becuase his wife was too busy...
Seriously?! Try to pull that when you're in the opporational army... And please complain right now how much you don't to see your husband... Try the fact that the job they picked has NO set hours and doesn't care what you're in the middle of? He has to show up when they need him and be there until the system is back up... which could take 24 hours or MORE!

I'll do you one better. He didn't want to be in class... They used THIS story:

The wife's mom was "sick" back home in Tennessee and refused to go to the hospital and that his wife had to fly home immediately and he needed to take her... Never mind the fact that they have TWO cars... Aaron also offered up me to take her since it was my day off, but "that just wouldn't work" with no reason behind it. Later that day Aaron and I saw BOTH of them (time enough for her to have gotten to TN with a long layover time) headed into town to the mall. The excuse they used once they got busted? She got "so sick" on the way to the airport that "they wouldn't let her onto the plane." BULL SHIT.

I seriously HATE whiny wives like this!! You knew what you were coming into when he signed up for the Army... I can't wait to see you flop in the BIG Army.

All my Seasoned BAMFAWS? I want replies.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cake, Nudes, and Legit

This post is not a bait and hook for compliments.
This post is something that IRKS me and STILL makes me scratch my head.

Boys, It's your turn to respond.
(Ladies, you're still welcome to put in your 2 cents lol)

What exactly makes a woman "HOT?"

Seriously... Everyone knows at least on of all three types I'm about to go through here... Along with a combination of some of them all mashed and meshed up together.

Caked-Faced-Nearly-Naked, I-Strive-To-Be-Different, and the There's-Something-About-Mary-Type.

THAT girl. Need I say more? The one that CAKES on her face (to the point if you saw her with no make-up on... you would have no idea who she was) and dresses like she works on the nearest street corner? Her facebook profile picture is her with f*ck*d up hair and her best duck face? Yeah, THAT girl. What in the world makes her "attractive?" Could it be what the media has pumped into the minds of our generation? Less clothes, more skin. More make-up, less weight..... okay, I'm done.
Seriously though... WHAT makes this girl attractive?

You know what? Forget the three types of girls.
Let's attack it from this angle.

How does a guy's mind work?? Maybe something like:

"This girl I could see myself screwing just for a one night stand... She's HOT.  This girl I could see myself dating... but I don't think I could really ever take her seriously. And this girl, I could see myself with for the rest of my life... She's safe."

Is that how it works?
Does every guy have a different definition of hot?
Please break this down to me and every other woman on the earth.

Get. At. It.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Ft Jackson Ladies, My Home Dogs, Lawton

Army Wives Stick Together

I've found this phrase true with the friends I've made on only ONE post. Ft. Jackson. I miss these ladies more than they probably know. One of my best friends ever opened up the world of Army Wife Life and Army Family to me at this very post. In my scattered time that totals to 2 months that I spent there, I've made the best friends in such short time. Mary, Jen, Melynda, Tina, Maritza, and Amy/Heather.
At first I had to hide the fact that I was just a SIT's wife to avoid a little (or a lot) of trouble. I dodged answering questions like how old I was, how long Aaron had been in, where he was, and what exactly he was doing while I was visiting Ft. Jackson. I was worried that maybe when we were able to tell my little secret they wouldn't like me too much anymore. I was wrong.... VERY wrong.
I thought that since I hadn't spent so much time with these ladies that I would just be "friends" with them on facebook and never really talk with any of them anymore... Again.... WRONG.
I feel like these ladies are my sisters. I can't wait to go back and visit them. And I surely hope that one day the wind blows me to a duty station with at least one of these fabulous women.

Of course a lot of the credit goes to Mrs. Thompson (boy she hated when I called her that in the beginning). If she hadn't taken me under her wing on their first cycle on the trail, I would never know what the Army Family is all about. I would never have had such peace of mind going through the first two months of marriage being spent apart. I feel I know more about what lies ahead of me in our Army Life than what most noob wives know in the first contract term of their SO's enlistment. I've found another best friend in life in this fine lady. In a matter of a month we were inseparable... well, at least on the phone. haha In that time we had already demised a scheme to get me to stay at her house a week prior to graduation. Upon meeting her? It was like I knew her all my life. There was never an awkward moment had between us. Hell, we even ran around her house in unmentionables half asleep/awake when Puffin was dead asleep.

There's No Place Like Home

There are times, though, where I wish I could just click my glittery red heels three times and find my self in the place I longed to get away from for so long. There in that small ass town are my "child hood" bests. No matter where I am in the world, they always make time to talk... Vice-versa.
These kids supported my decision to grow up a lot faster than I needed to. Not very many people were with me on that decision, as you can imagine. They were with me every step of the way. Planning my wedding, showers, parties, and keeping me occupied as the slow two months passed while BCT was going on.
We have some special friendships... and Lord knows if I find any (other than Mary and my Ft Jackson girls) friends like'm on the planet.
 I mean, Paige has watched me pee on a stick, we get obnoxious in movies, and eat sushi and Canes at least once or twice a week. Kayla and I send each other pictures of the awesome dumps we take and burp aloud until our faces turn blue. Rachel and I used to pee in the grass in her back yard in the middle of the night if we didn't feel like going inside to go in the middle of our night swims and color book sacks until our fingers were rainbow colored. Sarah and I could spend HOURS watching every Audrey Hepburn movie ever made and play rock band until blisters took over our fingers. K.P. and I would just spend money (mostly of which was her mothers) and dye Easter eggs in mass production.
Paige and I have been friends for years and years on end. She's been there for me since I moved to dinky denham in the 5th grade (about 9 years). Her and I talk every day. Even if I'm a bazillion miles away. She probably knows more about military life than most civilians. She chooses to learn those things because it's what her best friends life is now all about. Between her, Mary, and Kayla... They would all come flying to me in one way or another if a government SUV ever showed up in my drive way with devastating news.
And who could forget the most amazing recruiting crew in the world over at 3T5D. The Wadleigh Family has been there for us through the whole thing. I never expected a recruiting station to go above and beyond what they are called to do as recruiters.

Wanna know why the state of Texas hasn't fallen into the Gulf of Mexico yet?
Because Oklahoma SUCKS!

I've managed to make a few friends in Oklahoma. The only good good friend I met here in OK, she's already PCS's to another station :( but I'm blessed to have one of the most BOMB co-workers. She's slowly teaching me to pimp a car. lol I've also had the pleasure, for some not so much *cough cough*, of meeting some of Aaron's "Battle Buddies" wives. Some of the other fellow 94S wives I have yet to meet (which will be fixed VERY soon).
In the ones that I have met face to face, I just don't gel with like I do my Jackson Ladies or my Home Dogs. Makes things a little lonely here. I work, I go home, eat dinner with Aaron, Sleep, and do it all over again. BLAH.

All in all? I miss my girls.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Car Dealerships, Oakleys, and Home

Car Dealerships

Let me just say that I will NEVER buy a car in a military town. They screw you (or try to) every time. I've spent my past three days dealing with TWO dealerships, 2 credit unions, and stupid sales people. I really don't feel like explaining everything, but I can tell you at one point we "owned" a 2008 Mustang for about 13 hours. We took it back. Want to know why? Because I realized that the price they gave us didn't include the rest that we owe on our trade in... Outlaw (the HHR). So we were paying TWO notes for only ONE car. YEAH RIGHT! Took that bottom line stock piece back!
The moral of the story is wait for a good deal, wait and make a big down payment (not a trade), and just have two cars instead of just one.

I promise, I won't take them to Mt. Scott!

So, about 7 months ago we went bouldering on Mt. Scott. I stopped about 3/4 the way up and took my Oakleys off to put up my hair again... We finally get to the top and guess who realizes that they never took off their sunglasses from hanging on her shirt to put back on her face? Yeah, me. So, RIP pretty bronze polarized Oakley Darts... You're missed.
About two weeks ago I finally got a new pair! Thank God! I missed my good quality sunglasses. I basically live in them from March-October. I promise I'll buy a cheap pair next time I decide to go climb a mountain.
And this weekend Aaron finally gets his new pair. I bought his first pair 3 months after we started dating for Christmas 2008. So, I guess after 2.5 years he deserves a new pair, right? Especially because I only had mine for 6 months and then lost the ones he bought me on our honeymoon... haha

Home is where the heart is. Or maybe it's where the Army sends us?

So, we are now at the point where projected orders should come in; give or take a few weeks. Projected is the operative word there. Yes, that means they could still change, but is about 75% a sure thing. We hear that our options at this point are something like this:
Ft. Hood, TX
Ft. Bliss (El Paso), TX
Ft. Sill (Lawton), OK  - we are here now
and Maaayyyyybbbbeeee Ft. Bragg, NC

Well, it wouldn't be completely bad if we stayed here in Lawton. Sure, Oklahoma SUCKS... but we wouldn't have to move... I already have a job... it works. And we could basically just take leave to come home to Louisiana after graduation and then come back home to Lawton.
Ewwww did I just call Lawton home? I honestly wouldn't know what to do with myself if we came back home to LA for a bit. There are so many people we miss (and a lot that we don't), so many people Aaron still has to meet, food that we miss, places to shop that just don't exist in OK, and ahhhh its just so over whelming. Then again... Lawton is where Aaron and I live, work, and everything in between... hmmm...

I don't have too much to say for today. What about you?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The truth, Playing dirty, and Pay Freeze

First of all I would like to apologize for the length between this post and my last. I got switched to another property (a story you will get later in this blog)... among other things. Let's just get right into it, shall we?

The Truth

The DNA test came back... And the answer we got was both happy and sad. What I grew up knowing is true. Obviously, that's the happy part. However, there is a saddening in this as well. There will be a lot of questioning and unsureness on the other side of the fence, but on my side of the fence... the story is complete. In the event, however, that somebody stirs a pot of lies... I WILL defend MY family.

Playing Dirty

The reason I have not been posting much is due to the fact my work world just got turned upside down. (Inset clip of Fresh Prince theme song here) I've gotten moved to another propety in Lawton. Let me remind you that Aaron and I only have one vehicle and I only got a 12 hour notice of my new location. Also, that this property is a hell hole. They brought the ever lovely Rhonda and I over to do a lease up (get numbers up becuase we are bad asses at what we do) because what had been going on there was just plain WRONG. Let me just say we are being screw in the butt* repeatedly for basically doing them a favor. Example? I was promised and extra GRAND for a bonus... cool right?! HELL YEA! Oh wait... I'm not getting it anymore because their too cheap to give what they promise.
There's a lot of venting that I could do here, but I could go on for DAYS on everything I've been crapped on for the last not even two weeks.

Pay Freeze

Military pay freeze may begin in April if big wigs can't get their act together?
Don't even start me.

I feel as if I've been away from the world for ages.
Anyone got anything they want to share?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Ms. Berry...

First of all let me say that I'm too nice of a person no matter how creepy somebody is.
One day it'll get me killed.

So, let me give you a little back story.
We all know I work my ass off just to get a lease. Well, about two weeks ago, I walked this lady (approximately 45 years of age) to show her one of our 2 bedroom/ 1 bath town homes. She had pretty much torn up the town and was ready just to give up. As soon as I opened the door the the town home, she was THRILLED! She loved the floor plan. She loved the location of the unit. She loved EVERYTHING about it. The only thing she didn't like? The price. So, I did my thing and got the price down by $50 a month. She was MORE than pleased. I also got the new wood slatted blinds for her. More than that? I gave her the rest of the month (granted its only three days) free rent. She told me I was such a blessing to her, God sent, and that SHE LOVED ME. She said all this as she was giving me this GIANT hug. Creepy. I just gave her the sided one armed back pat... that was MORE than a violation of my personal space. I had known her for about 5 minutes at that point.

Needless to say... She leased.

She gave me HELL for 2 weeks because of her qualification to rent. I fought, fought, fought for this woman to move in. I eventually got my way. After I got the "If it goes bad, its on you. And you're over due for a bad egg" speech from my Big Boss, Nick.

This woman is nothing short of high maintenance...

Today, she came in to sign her lease and she told me again the just wonderful things about me.
*Insert eye roll here*
I had no problems getting the all the stuff for her lease signed and squared away.
Thank GOD!

So, I'm more than ready at this point to go to lunch. That means my day is halfway over and that much closer to the weekend. Well, Aaron leave about half way through my lunch hour to go to Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills. This makes Lucy FREAK OUT. So, I thought I would take her outside to potty because I was leaving soon. Lucy BOLTED out the door, darted across the street, and around the other apartment building. I chase after her, spanked her butt - go ahead and call PETA, I SPANK MY DOG-  and picked her up to carry her home. I turned around *insert suspense creepy music here* to see Ms. Berry standing right there. Of course she commented on how cute Lucy was and asked if I was on lunch. I replied with a yes and she told me to enjoy it. I walk back to my apartment and close the door. Just as I opened my mouth to yell at Lucy to get in her bed for being bad... there was a knock at the door.

I look out the little peep hole and low and behold it's Ms. Berry's lover. (Mind you... This man looks like a rotten ghetto BUM). With a heavy sigh I opened to door. The man, mind you he's not on the lease) asked me if he could pull the truck up on the curb, drive on the grass to, and move Ms. Berry in.

(Unless you're the carpet cleaning guy... Which, we own his company anyway)

I reply with, "No sir. We do not allow anyone to do that regardless of the fact they may be moving in or out. That is an everyday policy for us. On top of that, we have our regional manager coming into town today and that REALLY won't fly."

"You mean to tell me that she pays $715 a month for rent and she cant even get close to her apartment to unload her things?! Washers and Dryers are damn heavy don't you know!"

"Well, sir. I gave her that price. She COULD be paying $50 more a month. On top of that she hasn't even payed for rent yet because I GAVE her the rest of the month for FREE."

"Well, that's just ridiculous!!"

*Insert angry Kellie slamming door here*

I look at the clock... It's time for me to go back to work. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I just spent the last TEN MINUTES chasing my stupid dog and to be bothered by a tenant who hadn't been a tenant for more than FIVE MINUTES?!

We are not friends of any sort. You've never done any favors for me. I've been busting my ass to get you into a lease and get what you wanted and you're going to ask for MORE and be ANGRY when I tell you that's against the rules?!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So, with the bazillions of things going on right now,
I'm getting in a random break down/ shut down habit.

Poor Aaron.
Last night, I pretty much just shut down on him.

Let me get a flow chart for you here to the best of my ability.

This whole DNA test thing?
It's almost like a virgin peeing on a stick.
Even though you know you're not preggo,
it still makes you nervous.
I don't even know where to start.
Or if I even should on here.
What the hell is family to me anymore?
This is where BIG decision making comes in.
If the test comes back positive...
What do I do?
What is the "right" thing to do?
Even though I'm 90% sure it won't come back positive...
It still makes me sweat.

The first week of the next month is upon us.
That's known as hell week here at work.
Rent to deposit 
Rent to post.
Pay or quit letters to post on doors and send in the mail.
The beginning of a new lease count.
Back to ZERO.
Corporate Office.
This goes back to yesterday's post.
The Fairy Tale of some sort?
Refer back to that.
It should cover what I'm getting at.
I could be pulling in a lot of money from my leases right now.
As a matter of fact, I would be seeing it on Friday's check.
Guess what?
Because of the dadgum files being "incorrect?"
I can't.
Don't get me wrong either.
We have money.
We ARE NOT struggling.
It just sucks when you've been putting off getting things you want
because you are supposed to be getting extra money
that isn't accounted for in a budget...
And then not getting it... for weeks on end.
Isn't that what bonuses are for?!
Using them for something that isn't a neccesity?
Hmm... like a grill?
(not for your teeth... you know... the thing you cook on? lol)
or a new XBOX with Kinnect?
or a nice shiny bad ass camera?
OR a pretty hefty down payment on a car?
Just saying...
That's the WHOLE reason why I work.
So we can use what I make to have FUN.
Maybe a little FUN would be a good solution to some of this.

Self explanitory, right?
I'm losing sleep over all this anxiety.
Throwing up.
The works.
I need an Ativan.

End of Rant.

I apologize for my large bitching session.
It was much needed.